Hens~ Our Egg Layers
We have always gotten lots of eggs from our hens! Sometimes we've had eggs running out our ears! Which is always nice, cause we have been able to share with family and friends! Most of our chickens even laid eggs in the winter months. Of course they may have slowed down some, but generally we would still get some eggs in the colder months. We usually go to our local farm store and buy Rhode Island Reds, Sex Links, Buff Orphingtons and we have even had some Easter Eggers (not sure which breeds on those). Recently we bought Light Brahma hens. We haven't gotten any eggs from them yet, but we are going through the winter months, so I will update on that when they start laying and I can write on how they lay. So for now, I'll go ahead and go through the list of the breeds we have had and the pros and cons to each one. *Rhode Island Reds: These hens are always very nice. They are extremely good at laying and we always got tons of eggs from them. They do very well in the hot a...