Goat love
I LOVE my Dairy Goats! Not only do we love having goats milk for drinking, making goat cheese and goat soap, but they are a lot of fun to have around the farm! The Dairy goat breeds we have had include: Nubian, Lamancha and Saanen. All have been wonderful goats and good milkers! We had the Nubians when I was pretty young. But I remember that they were very sweet goats! The Lamancha goats are very good milkers and also have a wonderful personality. We have had a white Lamancha doe for a couple years now. She has kidded two sets of bucks and is a good momma. We have made a lot of goat milk soap and delicious goat cheese! I love having milk goats on the farm. When I was younger I remember having a Saanen Milk Goat. She was such a good girl! She was always ready to jump onto the milk stand and would milk so nicely. My experience with her made me want another Saanen to have on our farm, as I was wanting another milk goat. I found a really nice Saanen at a sale we had gone to and she has been wonderful! I believe the Saanen is my favorite breed of dairy goat! Firefly is such a sweet girl! She recently blessed us with a beautiful little doeling who we named Tilly. Tilly is half Saanen and half Boar. No matter what kind of Dairy breed you choose, I think you will have a lot of fun having them around your farm!
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