Farm Fresh Egg Noodles

                                            ~Egg Noodles~

                                                     Straight from the Coop!

One great and delicious way to preserve eggs, is making egg noodles! These can be stored for up to six months in a temp controlled area that is not moist. Such a great thing to do with all the extra eggs you get in the spring and summer! Keep reading to learn how to make them!

Things you'll need:

#1 Farm Fresh Eggs (or any eggs you have)
#2 All Purpose Flour
#3 Water
#4 Salt
#5 Big Mixing Bowl
#6 Rolling Pin (We are going to do this the old fashioned way, but you can definitely use a kitchen aid attachment if you'd like)
#7 Fork
#8 Knife or Pizza Cutter

Put 2 cups of flour in your mixing bowl and make a well in the center.

Add about a quarter tsp of salt to the flour.

Break 2 eggs into the well

 Start whisking the eggs with a fork, then start slowly adding in flour until it's all mixed in.

It should look something like this. Kind of crumbly.

Now we will add another half an egg or full egg, depending on how moist your dough is already. I usually add in a full egg, but you can add just the yolk. Mix in with a fork.

Now it's time to add water slowly, a TBSP at a time. Mix in until it's a nice, dough like consistency. You may need to add up to 3 TBSP's. You want to add the water slowly so you get the perfect consistency (the noodles won't be as good if you have to add in more flour)

Now it's time to use your hands. Start working the dough. It will suck up a lot more of the flour that is left in the bottom of the bowl. Then take it out of the bowl, onto a floured work surface.

Knead the dough for about 10 minutes, until the dough is nice and elastic feeling. Then let it sit for about 30 minutes, covered with a cloth.

Dough ball kneaded and ready to rest.

Now roll out your dough, as thin as you can get it. Adding flour to the rolling pin and dough as needed so it doesn't stick.

If it gets too long to work with you can cut it in half.

Then flour your dough, roll it up and cut out your noodles. You can make them as wide or thin as you want.

Then you can either hang your noodles or pile them into little nests. If you make little nests, they will take 3 to 4 days to dry and you will need to flip them over every now and again, but they store much easier. If you hang them they will dry faster, even over night and then will be ready to use. Either way works great!

Cover as they dry. Then put them in an air tight container and store in a cool dry place. They should stay good up to 6 months or even longer, as long as there is not any moisture where they are stored.

Hope you enjoyed this recipe! Stay tuned for more recipes coming soon!


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